C# MDI Form
A Multiple Document Interface (MDI) programs can display multiple child windows inside them. This is in contrast to single document interface (SDI) applications, which can manipulate only one document at a time. Visual Studio Environment is an example of Multiple Document Interface (MDI) and notepad is an example of an SDI application. MDI applications often have a Window menu item with submenus for switching between windows or documents.

Any windows can become an MDI parent, if you set the IsMdiContainer property to True.
The following C# program shows a MDI form with two child forms. Create a new C# project, then you will get a default form Form1 . Then add two mnore forms in the project (Form2 , Form 3) . Create a Menu on your form and call these two forms on menu click event. Click here to see how to create a Menu on your form How to Menu Control C#.
NOTE: If you want the MDI parent to auto-size the child form you can code like this.
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